Mon-Sat: 8am-9pm
Cancer Screening Program

Unlocking the Importance of Cancer Screening for Your Beloved Pet

Cancer is a prevalent concern for our furry companions, with statistics revealing that nearly half of older dogs and about one-third of cats may succumb to this disease. Detecting cancer early can be a game-changer, significantly impacting your pet's prognosis and quality of life.

Our Role in Protecting Your Pet

Identifying cancer in its infancy empowers us to provide tailored interventions that may halt its progression or enhance your pet's well-being.

Understanding Cancer in Pets

Cancer manifests in various forms, and some types may lurk silently, evading detection until they've advanced significantly. Routine screenings play a pivotal role in uncovering these hidden threats.

Our Comprehensive Cancer Screening Program Offers

  • Thorough Health Assessment: A meticulous evaluation of your pet's overall health, pinpointing any potential concerns.
  • Advanced Diagnostic Tests: From comprehensive blood panels to chest and abdominal X-rays, pancreatitis screenings, parasite checks, thyroid evaluations, and more, we leave no stone unturned in our quest for early detection.
  • Timely Intervention: By identifying and addressing health issues promptly, we aim to mitigate the risk of escalation and ensure your pet's continued well-being.

Why Early Screening Matters

  • Enhanced Well-being: Early detection translates to improved outcomes, potentially extending your pet's lifespan and enhancing their quality of life.
  • Financial Savings: Investing in preventive screenings now can prevent exorbitant medical bills down the road, safeguarding your pet's health and your wallet.
  • Peace of Mind: Regular screenings offer reassurance, providing insight into your pet's health status and facilitating proactive care.

Accessible Excellence at an Affordable Price

Our Cancer Screening program, priced at $950, delivers comprehensive evaluations and tests designed to safeguard your pet's happiness and longevity without breaking the bank.

At Aliso Viejo Animal Hospital, We Simply Care!

Join us in our commitment to prioritizing your pet's health and happiness. Together, let's ensure they lead a vibrant, cancer-free life filled with love and joy.

Aliso Viejo Animal Hospital

Have questions or ready to schedule an appointment? Our friendly team is here to help! Contact us today to speak with a knowledgeable staff member and provide your furry friend with the care they deserve.
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