Mon-Sat: 8am-9pm
Affordable Dental Cleaning
Does your dog have persistent bad breath?
Is your cat or dog experiencing difficulty chewing or eating?
Have you noticed excessive drooling in your pet?
Is your dog or cat pawing at their mouth frequently?
Have you observed bleeding or inflamed gums in your pet?
Does your pet show signs of discomfort when you touch their mouth?
Have you noticed loose or missing teeth in your dog or cat?
Is your pet reluctant to play with chew toys or treats?
Have you seen yellow or brown deposits on your pet's teeth?
Does your pet refuse to eat their dry food or eat their favorite treat? 

Prioritize Your Pet's Dental Health

At Aliso Viejo Animal Hospital, we pride ourselves on providing exceptional care for your beloved pets. Our commitment to their well-being extends to every aspect of their health, including dental care. We're thrilled to introduce our exclusive dental cleaning package, offered at an unbeatable price of $500. With this comprehensive service, we aim to ensure that every pet enjoys optimal dental health and overall wellness.

Why Anesthetic Dental Cleaning?

Safety and Thoroughness: Under anesthesia, our experienced veterinarians can perform a thorough dental cleaning, reaching areas below the gum line where harmful bacteria thrive. This approach ensures a complete clean without causing stress or discomfort to your pet.

Comfort for Pets: Anesthesia eliminates any stress or anxiety your pet may experience during the procedure, ensuring a more comfortable and relaxed experience.

The Urgent Need for Pet Dental Care

Beyond maintaining a sparkling smile, regular dental cleaning is crucial for your pet's overall health and well-being. Periodontal disease, the most common dental issue in companion animals, can lead to serious health problems if left untreated. Signs that your pet may need dental care include:

  • Persistent bad breath
  • Decreased appetite or difficulty eating
  • Avoidance of hard treats or food
  • Gum bleeding or swelling
  • Weight loss
  • Changes in behavior, such as hiding or irritability

Additional Reasons for Dental Cleaning

  1. Prevention of Dental Disease: Routine dental cleaning can prevent the development of dental diseases such as gingivitis and periodontitis, which can cause pain and discomfort for your pet.
  2. Prevention of Tooth Decay: Just like humans, pets can experience tooth decay, which can lead to tooth loss and other oral health issues. Regular dental cleaning helps prevent decay and maintains your pet's oral health.
  3. Improvement of Overall Health: Dental health is closely linked to overall health in pets. By maintaining good oral hygiene, you can help prevent the development of systemic diseases that can affect your pet's heart, kidneys, and other vital organs.
  4. Enhancement of Quality of Life: Pets with healthy teeth and gums are more likely to enjoy their food and treats, leading to a better quality of life. Plus, regular dental cleaning can help prolong your pet's life by preventing the progression of dental disease and associated health problems.

Our Expertise in Dental Care

Watch our video showcasing our dental cleaning procedure to see our commitment to excellence firsthand. With years of experience and a passion for pet wellness, our team is dedicated to providing the highest standard of dental care for your furry family members.

Give Your Pet the Gift of Optimal Health

Book your appointment today and give your pet the gift of a gleaming smile and improved overall health. At Aliso Viejo Animal Hospital, we're here to ensure your pet's happiness and well-being, one smile at a time. Let us help your pet achieve optimal dental health and enjoy a lifetime of smiles.

Aliso Viejo Animal Hospital

Have questions or ready to schedule an appointment? Our friendly team is here to help! Contact us today to speak with a knowledgeable staff member and provide your furry friend with the care they deserve.
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